Sunday, May 2, 2010


I chose to try and emulate the Pink Panther kind of style. It was pretty tricky just because... I don't ever do that style. BUT HERE IT IS! Enjoy.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I have a single light source in my image. The moon itself is coming in and illuminating everything, while also causing some objects to be more of a silhouette. The archway, my character, the railing, and the table are all creating shadows that cast over floor. I have reflections in the shattered glass on the floor. The glass of the picture frame and a red gem on the top of the doorway has some reflection as well. You can see some rim lighting on the table itself, and on the little columns of the balcony.

The immediate focus of the image begins at the doorway. Then I intended for your eyes to follow to the table, and almost like following the character's tracks, you follow his tattered clothes to find a werewolf on the balcony, ready to leap. The overall image used principles of 2-point perspective.

The overall image is very dull in colour, and i used the design of the door to grab the attention firsthand. Then your eye travels around the image. The darkened value on the right frames the image to keep the attention on the left side.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Tonal test

Sorry for the lateness... I hope the image itself explains how I've been spending my time... :P

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

3 point rough test

This is just a general concept of what I might want to do with my 3-point perspective. How much I stick with it or not, I can't really say, but it's a takeoff point. After doing a sort of sci-fi thing last time, I kinda wanted to stick with it.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

2-point Layout

I kind of wanted to go in an opposite direction than my last layout. The last one was a very fantasy-like, jungle temple sort of thing. This, I wanted to go with something sci-fi. I went with an interior of a big hologram room, or control center. Originally, I was going to have just some people watching this vid-screen of some big secret project or something, but as I further conceptualized, I decided to make it more of a firefight. I really wanted to capitalize on the hologram being this brilliant light source, and for the most part, I think it worked. But I kind of wished I worried about rendering/shading in photoshop rather than doing it in blue pencil. Just for the sake of ease, as well as the ability to mess around with parts more. Oh well, there's always next time.